Information provider identification is a project of

strategie und vision GbR
Dr. Jörg Werner & Elena Manja Werner
Mühlgasse 7
82335 Berg (near Munich)

Telephone +49 8151 4443894
Telefax +49 8151 4443895

Partners with right of representation
and responsible for the content
Dr. Jörg Werner

VAT ID: DE 202415192
Note on liability with regard to links
The existing links to other sites of the Internet on our pages, represent recommendations. We support the original idea of the Internet to network chosen contents and to make them easier accessible. If you feel in any way that a link on our site could be considered critical according to civil or criminal law, please notify us. We will then recheck the linked page and remove the link where necessary.

Note on copyright
All objects and contents published on this site, such as visuals, graphics and texts are protected by copyright.